Thursday, January 24, 2008

Glen Johnson actually confronts a candidate

As discussed in Ethics class, Glen Johnson aggressively questioned Mitt Romney at a press event last Thursday.

Among blogs, there were mixed responses: "Good for you!", "You were completely unprofessional" and somewhere in between (as seen in class). I found everyone's comments in class to be well thought out and convincing. But I have to admit that my first reaction was "YES! Excellent, a reporter who calls out these candidates on their bullshit!" This is not, I repeat NOT, the first time the Mitt Romney has lied on the campaign trail. In fact, after losing the first primaries he told his staff to "Make all the promises you have to". And please let's not forget the whole MLK Jr. debacle (also, Romney's version). Yes, Johnson could have been infinitely more professional. And yes, I think he undermined himself and detracted from his correct argument. But I also believe that something needed to be said. What if Edward R Murrow had sat back and thought "Well, calling out McCarthy on national television is rude. Shouldn't we politely ask him questions instead?" I realize that what Romney is doing may not be quite as horrifying as McCarthy's actions, but what if he becomes president? And what if he continues to fabricate?

Now, I mentioned my mother in my first post, and I will readily admit that I have adopted many of her views over the years. I was discussing this contfrontation with her and was suprised by the vehemency of her reaction when I told her many people were upset that Johnson interrupted (she typed this, exactly as is and unedited):
So what? So he was interrupted. I'm interruped all the time by you
and Adam and Dad and the entire rest of the world, just as you're interrupted by
me and Adam and dad and the entire rest of the world. These people are
supposed to be us, we the people, not kings and queens and aristocrats that
the rest of us have to bow down to. So what if flippin' Mitt Romney was
interrupted. He's supposed to be running for a REPRESENTATIVE
position, and yes the President is a representative of us, carrying out our
will so interrupting him is not impolite, it's essential to find out how the
hell he thinks and what he'll do as the leader of the free world!

While this is much more aggressive than, most likely, most people would react, she does have a point. When did journalism get so touchy? Why are reporters so afraid to step outside the lines? And when did the people who are supposed to be representing us become untouchables? I would also like to respond to Romney's press advisor who told Johnson to back off: "How dare you?"


Stephen Asay said...

You're mom is awesome!

BClear said...

haha, thanks, I think so too.:)